Our Vision & Mission

An increasing church that inspires people to know Jesus personally and equips them to change their world.
Our Vision

Our Mission

Help people find life and live it! Our mission as described by Jesus in John 10:10, has two primary objectives:


Helping people find life.


Helping people live it.

Our Goal

We want people to find salvation through Jesus and to then continue growing in their relationship with Him. Luke 2:42 states that; Jesus grew in wisdom, in stature, in favour with God and man.
Growth for a believer looks like:

Growing in Wisdom

Growing in how we do life and approach it with increasing wisdom.

Growing in Stature

Growing in who we are and how we see ourselves and others.

Growing in Favour with God

Growing in our faith and spiritual life.

Growing in Favour with Men

Growing in our leadership and relationships with others.

“I have come that they might have life and life to the full…..”
John 10:10 (NIV)