Connect Groups

Join A Connect Group

We meet together in smaller groups all over our city throughout the week to hang out and make space to form relationships and community. Whether it be a study based home group, or an interactive short course, there will always be good people, laughs, food and coffee.

Start A Connect Group
Start A Connect Group

We meet together in smaller groups all over our city throughout the week to hang out and make space to form relationships and community. We encourage new groups starting – study based home groups, interactive short courses, social gatherings – Connect Groups are an opportunity for people to share the Word, laughs, food and coffee.

Get Started

Complete the form below to express your interest in starting a Connect Group. The Connect Groups Coordinators will be in contact with you to help, train and support you in launching your Connect Group.

Note about this form: Please use this form one person only. Complete multiple submissions separately.

Fields marked with an * are required

Join A Connect Group

Haven't Found the Group You Are Looking For?

We are growing new Connect Groups all over Bendigo and we value your feedback. Please let us know what area, time and availability you would find suitable, so we can work with you to connect you into the life of our Church. If you would like to start a Connect Group, please check the top of this page.